Invoices paid via a QR, iDEAL, Mollie and direct debit

Offer your customers multiple payment options. This way, you can easily improve your tenant's payment behaviour.

Further service for your customers

Loydd Software can offer customers various payment methods such as iDEAL, QR code, PayPal and direct debit. Make paying bills as easy as possible. It is a misconception that only consumers pay via iDEAL. Small businesses also make great use of digital payment options. Just think how easy it is to make payments on your mobile phone via your banking app. Our payment figures show that adding these payment options to invoices and reminders significantly improves payment behaviour.

Discover the benefits

Efficient debtor management includes low payment standards in addition to optimal dunning processes. iDEAL in the Netherlands, Bancontact in Belgium and Sofort in Germany are the most popular payment methods. In English-speaking countries, this is PayPal. Credit cards are used all over the world for convenient online payments. All methods have certain advantages and disadvantages. Choose the one that suits you and your customers best.

Loydd Software has already inserted a QR code in the invoice by default. This makes it easier for customers to pay their rent faster. This allows customers to transfer rent directly by phone. Help tenants around the world remember to pay their rent.

We recommend that you carefully consider the payment methods offered. Especially if you have foreign customers. The easier it is to pay, the faster people pay. Loydd Software has proven that automating reminders of outstanding invoices, reduces the number of outstanding invoices by 50% on average. Adding iDEAL to the bill is an important part of its success in the Netherlands.

A payment method is available for each tenant

International tenants

For some managers, offering a credit card payment option is a smart choice. It is often seen as a relatively expensive option. In Belgium, many people pay via Bancontact. Works easily and quickly. Sofort is the most widely used payment method on the German market. We adapt payment methods for foreign customers.

Direct debit

If you use direct debit, it is integrated with Loydd Software. This allows Loydd Software to know that the rent is collected by direct debit. Workflows such as reminders are automatically adjusted accordingly.

Mollie integration

We have integrated Mollie's direct debit functionality into Loydd. If your customer no longer wants to pay via direct debit, you can send them an invoice with an iDEAL or QR code automatically. Tenants will then automatically receive an e-mail, letter or text message with a QR code or iDEAL link.


If you would like to know what Loydd Software can do for your business, our consultants would be happy to visit you for a no-obligation consultation. Please fill in your details below. We will contact you as soon as possible.